The parks here in Paris are awesome! One of them I discovered as I was walking, wandering along the streets from my hotel...being led by God into this beautiful park :)
That is what happens when you walk by faith - you end up in places that you would have never imagined existed!
As I walked through it I saw people, young and old, strolling along...I looked over to my right and there was this dude walking down the stairs...UPSIDE DOWN! He was one of those urban ninjas practicing jumps and all that crazy stuff - sawlid! Then I look over to my left and there was a group of young people playing some beats and freestyling some moves, taking turns - pretty awesome! Some just sitting around watching them do their thing...
I keep going further and see the scaters doing their thing, some on boards, some on roller blades - doing tricks and stuff...some kids playing basketball on the basketball court next to them...
I walk over to the grassy area which is full of people just sitting down. The sun is soon to set and everyone is hanging out: some in groups of family or friends, some in pairs, some (like me) alone...eating, drinking, playing, reading...some on blankets, some just on the grass...the grass is so soft and bugs, no Mosquitos - Il est incroyable!
I find a spot in the sun...I hear music in the distance - a guitar and a harmonica...two guys are sitting on the grass not too far away playing for fun :) A couple arrives and sits 5 feet away from me, and they have a cat that they brought with them...aww! They are here to chill and have a glass of wine romantic!
What I found so amazing is that no one is checking for one another, they do not care who is watching - they are here with the people they care about and are enjoying one another's one compares or judges anyone...they are here to be themselves.
This is officially my favorite thing about Paris. Not the Eiffel Tower, not the Louvre, not even the Notre Dam...the parks! This is so me!
It is 9pm and the sun is just about to set...time to go back to the hotel...
Hey this is great. Thanks for sharing. I am going to enjoy other posts as I live my Euro-Franco dreams vicariously through you lol